In an article titled “How to Buy a Diamond From Home” Florida’s Orlando Magazine provided advice to diamond buyers during the current health crisis.
With local stores closed, the 74-year old publication advised its consumer audience to consider purchasing engagement rings online. This is logical, since FedEx, UPS and other couriers are operating as “essential businesses,” even in quarantined areas.
Buying diamonds online can be safe and easy if you do your due diligence—and work with the right company!
Due diligence and the right company
The article described the advantages of e-commerce in today’s climate, and provided a list of requirements to insist-on from retailer jewelers when making this significant purchase from a distance. These requirements include positive reviews on third party websites, liberal shipping and return policies and a grading report from an independent gemological laboratory.
What to look for? IGI.
A good jewelry company will issue you a diamond report with each purchase. This includes an evaluation of the diamond based on the 4 C’s, along with a visual “map” of the stone.
Selecting ‘diamond report’ takes readers directly to IGI’s Diamond Report page, which describes the different options for diamond grading we offer to serve consumer needs across diverse worldwide markets.
We are pleased to be Orlando Magazine’s laboratory of choice, especially in an article relating to consumer confidence.
And, while the publication linked to IGI Diamond Reports, specifically, we will take this opportunity to mention that we provide grading reports for finished jewelry and colored gemstones, along with an array of other professional services – in the course of normal operations.
Founded in 1946, Orlando Magazine describes its mission as “offering readers compelling local content that is both entertaining and informative, and to provide information that will drive decision making. The arts, dining, travel, entertainment, style, people and trends—if it’s part of Orlando’s lifestyle, you’ll find it covered in Orlando magazine.”