
The IGI glossary page provides definitions for various terms commonly encountered in the diamond and gemstone industry. These terms are relevant to both consumers and professionals in the field. The glossary covers a wide range, including:

  • Diamond grading terminology: terms like “Carat Weight,” “Clarity,” “Cut,” and “Color” (the 4Cs) are defined.
  • Gemstone characteristics: definitions cover aspects like “Fluorescence,” “Fracture,” and “Inclusion”.
  • Jewelry components: terms like “Girdle” and “Facet” are explained.
  • Company information: “IGI” itself is defined, explaining its role as a diamond and gemstone grading laboratory.

This glossary serves as a helpful resource for anyone seeking to understand the terminology used when discussing diamonds, gemstones, and jewelry.

Glossary of Abbreviations

APPROX Approximate
AS Appraisal Summary
BAG Baguette
BGIA Based on GIA Report #
BSGIA Based Solely on GIA Report #
C Colorless
CT Carat Weight
CBGIA Color Based on GIA Report #
CCBGIA Color and Clarity Based on GIA Report #
CCGEAAM Color and Clarity Grade Expressed as a Minimum
CCGPTM Color & Clarity Graded Prior to Mounting
CONT Containing
CDPBC Chain Description Purported By Client
CGIBOCTS Clarity Grade is Based On Cloud Throughout Stone
CGIBOIGL Clarity Grade is Based On Internal Grain Lines
CLA Clarity
CLGAAM Clarity Grade Expressed As a Minimum
COL Color
CSBAGS Center Stone Based on AGS Report #
CSBGIA Center Stone Based on GIA Report #
CSGPTM Center Stone Graded Prior to Mounting
CTS Cloud Throughout Stone
DWT Penny Weight
EM Emerald Cut
EST Estimated
EX Excellent
G Good
GAMP Graded As Mounting Permits
GGEAAA Gemstones Grade Expressed as a Average
GGEAAM Gemstones Grade Expressed as a Minimum
GLP Grain Lines Present
GPTM Graded Prior to Mounting
HI Heavily Included
IAC Inclusions Affect Color
IGLP Internal Grain Lines Present
ILDHP Internal Laser Drilling Present
INS Insurance
KT Precious Metal Content
LDHP Laser Drill Holes Present
LI Lightly Included
MCPBC Mounting Composition Purported by Client
MDPBC Mounting Description Purported by Client
MEAS Measurements
MED Medium
MI Moderately Included
MM Millimeters
MOD Modified
MQ Marquise Brilliant Cut
N Thin
NAT Natural
NC Near Colorless
NP Numerous Pinpoints
PLAT Platinum
POL Polish
PR Pear Shape Brilliant
PRE Pre-existing Inscription Present
PURP Purposes
RBC Round Brilliant Cut
REPL Replacement
RET Retail
RMB Rectangular Modified Brilliant
SBAG Straight Baguette Cut
SGL Surface Grain Lines
SGLP Surface Grain Lines Present
SMB Square Modified Brilliant
SSBGIA Side Stones Based on GIA Report #
SSGAMP Side Stones Graded as Mounting Permits
SYM Symmetry
TBAG Tapered Baguette Cut
TK Think
TOT Total
TP Transparent
TRI Triangular Modified Brilliant
TW Total Weight
VAL Value
VG Very Good
WG White Gold
WT Weight
YG Yellow Gold