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IGI Jewelry Design Contest in National Jeweler

“IGI Is Holding a Jewelry Design Contest And It’s Free to Enter,” proclaims the headline of National Jeweler’s coverage of IGI’s “Collision and Fusion” Jewelry Design Contest.

In her article, Fashion Editor Ashley Davis provides a concise overview of eligibility, submission, assessment-criteria, prizes and fulfillment.  She also, importantly, reiterates the event’s fundamental premise:

The contest is happening in part to support emerging design voices during a time of global uncertainty, which is why IGI is not charging a competition entry fee and is funding manufacture of finalists’ designs.

Indeed, the contest theme, “Collision and Fusion,” has dual meaning. Implying crystal collision in gemstone growth and stylistic cultural fusion, it also reflects the collision of our shared global experience and the fusion of human adaptation during these unprecedented times.

Free entry. For anyone.

“Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor…” From the most decorated and CAD-confident jewelry artist to the most casual hobbyist sketching on napkins, IGI has invited the world to participate. Accessible to anyone, 20-30 finalists will see their designs brought to life by a professional manufacturer.

I hope my loyal readers will share the word (it only takes one click).

And start sketching. There’s still time.

Submissions due by August 20.

You can read all about the contest in prior GemBlog coverage. Or click the image below to enter now. Thank you, Ashley Davis and National Jeweler, for helping spread the word.

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National Jeweler is described as the must-read news source for smart jewelry professionals. Published by Jewelers of America, the leading nonprofit jewelry association in the United States, National Jeweler has covered important industry topics since 1906 – including breaking news, market analysis, emerging trends and other topics vital to the everyday success of jewelry professionals.

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